How to Fix PS5 No Signal or Black Screen of Death For PlayStation 5 Damaged HDMI Port by Girl 👧

Описание к видео How to Fix PS5 No Signal or Black Screen of Death For PlayStation 5 Damaged HDMI Port by Girl 👧

hi, my name is Anya! this is my hdmi port repair video on a PlayStation 5 console♡
I hope you enjoy! just a few things:
1) the port has *19 pins not 20 (i was just counting out loud from where I started)
10 gold pins on the top, 9 on the bottom =19 total.
2) filmed by myself amateur style, please don't judge me !!!
3) I hope you enjoy! ♡
I will be more than happy to answer any questions in the comments!

be kind♡

thank you
muchas gracias♡♡♡


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