ダイエットお食事ケーキの作り方♪タンパク質・食物繊維が豊富!How to make a diet meal cake ♪ Rich in protein and dietary fiber!

Описание к видео ダイエットお食事ケーキの作り方♪タンパク質・食物繊維が豊富!How to make a diet meal cake ♪ Rich in protein and dietary fiber!

今回はレンチンで作るお食事ケーキ(ケークサレ)をご紹介します♪グルテンフリーのパンケーキミックス粉で作るのでとても簡単です😊素材から出る甘味・塩味で美味しく食べられるケーキです❤大豆粉が含まれたミックス粉なのでタンパク質や食物繊維が豊富!少ない量で腹持ちが良く血糖値も上がりにくいダイエットケーキです😊食べきれず残ってしまったら、一切れずつラップで包み冷凍して下さい。 食べる直前にラップのままレンジで1分位温めるとフワフワで美味しく食べられますよ♪簡単なので是非作ってみて下さい!
材料 レンジ対応容器(900ml)
みたけグルテンフリーパンケーキミックス 100g
卵                   1個
豆乳                  100ml
植物油(お好みの植物油)        大さじ1
マヨネーズ               大さじ1
刻みベーコン              2枚分
ミックスチーズ             適量
冷凍枝豆                大さじ2
刻みパプリカ              大さじ2
#5-minute microwave cake# Cake Sale #Easy Recipe #Gluten Free #Pancake Mix #Microwave Recipe
This time, we will introduce a meal cake (Cake Sale) made in the microwave♪ It is very easy because it is made with gluten-free pancake mix flour😊 It is a cake that can be eaten deliciously with the sweet and salty taste from the ingredients❤ Since it is a mixed flour that contains soy flour, it is rich in protein and dietary fiber! It is a diet cake that is filling with a small amount and does not raise blood sugar levels😊 If you can't finish it, wrap each slice in plastic wrap and freeze it. Just before eating, warm it in the microwave for about 1 minute with the plastic wrap on, and it will be fluffy and delicious♪ It's easy, so please try making it!
Ingredients: Microwave-safe container (900ml)
Mitake gluten-free pancake mix, 100g
Egg, 1
Soy milk, 100ml
Vegetable oil (any vegetable oil you like), 1 tablespoon
Mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon
Chopped bacon, 2 slices
Mixed cheese, as needed
Frozen edamame, 2 tablespoons
Chopped paprika, 2 tablespoons


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