How To Breed Celestial Pearl Danios: A True Walkthrough

Описание к видео How To Breed Celestial Pearl Danios: A True Walkthrough

Looking for more Detail? Watch to learn more than you ever wanted to know about how to breed CPD's.. Timestamps are included for easy navigation through this guide.

Spawning is just the beginning!
Timestamps below:
0:23 Basic Tank Setup
0:37 Substrate
1:02 Water Parameters
1:20 Lighting
1:46 Including Plants In The Tank
2:10 Tankmates
2:35 Male / Female Ratio
3:18 Conditioning Females To Breed
4:01 Building An Egg Trap
5:35 Placing Your Egg Trap
6:06 Identifying/Removing Infertile Eggs
9:17 Placing Eggs To Hatch (And How Long To Collect Eggs)
10:07 What Makes A Good Fry Enclosure?
10:45 Important Modifications To A Breeding Box
13:24 The First Days Of Life
14:00 First Foods For Newly Hatched Fry
14:28 How To Use A Fry Powder
16:04 Give Your Fry Food, Not Moss
16:33 Intermediate Foods For 2+ Week Old Fry
17:12 Introducing Live Baby Brine Shrimp (yay!)
18:16 The Importance Of Cleanliness
18:50 Skimming Surface Scum
20:04 Cleaning The Bottom (The Easy Way) And Other Necessary Maintenance
23:45 The Nuclear Option
24:40 How Many Fry Should You Attempt To Raise?
26:53 Signs Of Trouble
27:38 In For The Long Haul

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