Second Launch Tower Sections Arrive | SpaceX Boca Chica

Описание к видео Second Launch Tower Sections Arrive | SpaceX Boca Chica

Ship 28 was destacked and moved to Pad B, presumably for engine testing while Booster 10 was rolled back to the Production Site. Meanwhile, four sections of Starbase's second launch tower arrived in port.

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🎥 Video from Mary (@BocaChicaGal), Sean (@SeanKD_Photos), and Starbase Live.
✂️ Edited by Thomas (@_thomashayden).

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0:00 Dancefloor Raised Under OLM
0:15 Dancefloor Lowered
0:26 SQD Retracted
1:30 Test Plumbing Disconnected
1:42 SQD Prepared for Lift
3:12 SQD Arm Retracted
3:23 Ship 28 Destacked
5:41 Two Point Lifter
5:54 SQD Arm Closed
6:06 Ship 28’s Aft Flaps Closed
6:17 Ship 28’s Forward Flaps Closed
6:33 Ship 28 Moved to Pad B
7:06 Tower Sections From KSC
8:15 Tanks and Vaporizers
8:40 Ship 28 Connected to the Crane
10:12 Two Point Lifter Controls
10:26 Chopsticks Closed Around B10
10:40 Ship 28 Lifted Onto Pad B
11:19 Booster 10 on the Launch Mount
12:02 Crews at the BQD
12:22 Vaporizers Arriving at Launch Site
13:02 Ship 28 on Suborbital Pad B
13:54 SPMT Leaving the Launch Site
14:05 Bath Time
14:27 Flag on the Launch Tower
14:46 Back of the Launch Tower
14:58 Sun Glistening on Booster 10
15:06 BQD Hood Closed
15:32 Booster QD Hood Opened
15:42 Booster QD Hood Closed
15:53 Booster 10 Lifted off the OLM
16:03 Real Time Lifting Speed
17:41 Dancefloor Raised
17:50 Explosives Delivered to Launch Site
17:57 Worker Brings Explosives to Bunker
18:21 Explosives Truck Returns
18:33 Mega Bay Door Opened
18:44 Ship 28’s CH4 Hatch
18:57 Booster 10 Rolled Back
22:40 Booster 10 Lifted Onto Work Stand


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