Herd of Cows charging towards us - I had to throw my little boy into the graveyard!

Описание к видео Herd of Cows charging towards us - I had to throw my little boy into the graveyard!

I was out Geocaching with my little boy in Lytchett Minster, Poole.

We walked along a public footpath that runs alongside the church and across a field. We jumped over a style and started to cross the field towards the road.

There was a herd of cows at the opposite end of the field. We were no threat to them whatsoever and no Calves.

As we entered the field the herd of cows started to charge towards us .... my little boy started to get scared as they were all running directly at us!

I managed to film the last 20 meters of their charge towards us.... then it got serious.....

One of the cows (I assume the bull as it had horns!) just stopped and stared at us... then raised his head and started huffing and puffing and looking like he was about to charge us! My little boy got really scared as we could see steam, snot, and spit puffing out from his nose and mouth and he panicked. I tried to stay calm and reassure him but was also a bit worried... so I did the dad thing and literally threw him over the stone wall into the graveyard!

Video shows the last 20 meters of the cow charge towards us and then a few mins later my little boy is still in the Graveyard refusing to come out! All was fine but a bit worrying at the time.

We did also find the Geocache we were looking for (https://coord.info/GC35VGW).


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