絲瓜不結果之解決方法(含絲瓜人工授粉) Solution to the fruitless loofah (include hand pollination)

Описание к видео 絲瓜不結果之解決方法(含絲瓜人工授粉) Solution to the fruitless loofah (include hand pollination)

每個種絲瓜的人遲早都會遇到的問題,記得小時候我老爸也遇到過,田裡種的絲瓜棚很旺,葉子超大超健康,可是開出來的都是公花,母花只開意思一兩朵。不用失望生氣,按照草牛方法可以解決的。剪掉過多的枝葉藤蔓, 並且要摘心動作, 對於剛生出的分枝摘除其心蕊; 減少水量; 補充磷鉀停止氮素施肥, 有機無毒做法可以將魚類蝦類貝殼打碎後埋入絲瓜主根50公分外土裡。影片內含有絲瓜人工授粉方法。
A problem that everyone who grows loofah will encounter sooner or later. I remember my father also encountered it when I was a child. The loofah planted in the field is very prosperous, and the leaves are super large and healthy, bloom male flowers, but no female flowers. Don't be disappointed or angry, it can be solved. Cut off excessive branches, leaves and vines, and Remove the core of the newly born branch. Reduce the amount of water. Stop fertilization temporary. Break the fish and shrimp shells and bury in soil 50 cm away of trunk.

The video contains the hand pollination of loofah.
背景音樂:LEMMiNO   / lemmino  
#GreenOx Lin


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