CS403 Short lectures|CS403 Midterm preparation|CS403 Lecture No.04|CS403 Short lecture 4|CS403

Описание к видео CS403 Short lectures|CS403 Midterm preparation|CS403 Lecture No.04|CS403 Short lecture 4|CS403

Lecture No. 04
Overview of Lecture
o Internal Schema of the Database Architecture
o Data Independence
o Different aspects of the DBMS

Internal or Physical View / Schema ?
This is the level of the database which is responsible for the storage
of data on the storage media and places the data in such a format
that it is only readable by the DBMS.

Inter Schema Mapping:?
The mechanism through which the records or data at one level is
related to the changed format of the same data at another level is
known as mapping. When we associate one form of data at the
external level with the same data in another form is know as the
external/conceptual mapping of the data. (We have seen examples
of external/conceptual mapping in the previous lecture) In the
same way when data at the conceptual level is correlated with the
same data at the internal level, this is called the conceptual/Internal

Logical data independence ?
Logical data independence provides the independence in a way that
changes in conceptual model do not affect the external views. Or
simply it can be stated at the Immunity of external level from
changes at conceptual level. *CS619 final projects*
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