Gwadar | A Shared Destiny

Описание к видео Gwadar | A Shared Destiny

One Goal - One Destination ''GWADAR''!

2023 – A year of prosperity, growth and Gwadar’s real estate boom.

With all the key projects coming to their completion, Gwadar is ready, are you?

Thank you for your trust in Rafi Group and belief in CPEC.

For more information call us at Toll-Free: 08000 0000 or UAN: (042)-111-111-493 or visit

#RafiGroup #GreenPalmsGwadar #OverseasDistrict
#SharedDestiny #PakistanRising #CPECrisingwithPakistan
#GwadarDevelopment #CPECDevelopment
#RealEstateDevelopment #OneGoalOneDestination
#CPECsharedfuture #GreatnessInMaking #SharedFuture #SharedDestiny


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