Battle of the Juicer + NamaJ2 vs Kuvings10 Juice Off + Osteoarthritis

Описание к видео Battle of the Juicer + NamaJ2 vs Kuvings10 Juice Off + Osteoarthritis

Welcome to my channel. In this video I share my honest opinion based on several side by side juicings using the Nama J2 and the Kuvings 10. My Nama J2 is a little over two years old at the taping of this video and the Kuvings was purchased within the month.

Because of my current condition, Osteoarthritis in both hips, I have made a shift in my nutrition and started incorporating juicing into my diet using fresh fruits and vegetables.

I offer a truthful review of both juicers but advise you to perform your own research based on your personal needs in a juicer.



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#juicers, #plantbased, #namaj2juicer, #kuvingsauto10juicer, #kuvingsauto10vsnamaj2, #juicerreview #antiinflammatorydiet #osteoarthritiscare #osteoarthritis


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