The Perfect 'About Us' Page Isn't What You Think. (Use This Formula Instead.)

Описание к видео The Perfect 'About Us' Page Isn't What You Think. (Use This Formula Instead.)

If you’ve read About Us pages of different businesses, you’ll notice that it’s all about the business owners – what they like, their stories, their awards, etc. This is the mistake that most business owners commit. The About Us is the second most visited page in any website after the Homepage so you really need to understand the science behind what to and what not to put in it. You have to be strategic about it and if I were writing your About Us Page, here’s what I’d put on it!

People aren’t interested to know about you, they are interested to know about how you can SOLVE their problem and why you are the BEST choice. Although the name “About Us Page” suggests sharing personal details about the business owner, I’d much rather come up with content that isn’t too sales-y, still a bit personal, but focuses on what you can bring to the table.

I made this episode to help you understand and realize how important the About Us Page is so I hope you don’t miss watching it. I have so many tips in this episode and I am hopeful it would help drive better results for your business!

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