Star Wars - The Old Republic # Rise Of The Hutt Cartel [Part 5] - Jedi Consular - Skeuj Kerdher

Описание к видео Star Wars - The Old Republic # Rise Of The Hutt Cartel [Part 5] - Jedi Consular - Skeuj Kerdher

* [Part 5 of Chapter 4 of Origin Story] * Makeb

Missions: # Old Feuds

**Key; # Main Mission # ~ Chapters ~ * Bonus Parts *

00:00:01 # Old Feuds (cinematic intro)
00:02:55 ~ Travel to Tarlam’s Central Square
00:03:32 * Letter from Foreman Tiero
00:04:40 * [Bonus] Rescuing Tarlam 0/30
00:12:54 ~ Enter Tarlam Square & Destroy Isotype-5 Prototype Walker Droid
00:14:03 ~ Speak to Mayor Erkens (miserable mare)
00:17:37 ~ Secure the Mayoral Residential Shuttle Pad
00:21:03 ~ Secure the Tarlam Oasis Shuttle Pad
00:25:00 ~ Secure the Tarlam Shuttle Pad
00:27:42 ~ Return to Tarlam Central Square
00:28:31 ~ Confront Captain Balog /farewell misery Mayor
00:29:34 ~ Defeat Captain Balog & His Forces
00:30:28 ~ Speak to Councillor Soler
00:32:32 ~ Report to Shalim’s New Camp
Consulting the Expert to follow in part 6

This is a video diary of the journey my character takes Exploiting the Dark Side were ever possible through the Origin story and beyond!

As we have a choice of how we steer the conversation dialog with the NPCs, whether our companion approves or not or which side we take, dark or light. Makes for an alternative fight path or at best an interesting conversation.

If you don't like my videos, please leave a comment as well as your dislike. Dislikes mean nothing without a reason and it's only Troller's that don't have a reason... Besides, I do play both sides without Bias.

If you found this video helpful or entertaining, PLEASE feel free to click the like button and subscribe below and become a friend of this channel. Thank you in advance.
Skeuj Kerdher is Cornish which translates into Shadow Walker = Skeuj Kerdher.. Kerdher also refers to the walker being male

This is a video diary of the journey my characters take through the Origin story and beyond!
You might notice that some words are spelt differently to those used in the game, this is due to me being British and using British English rather than American English.


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