S P A C E - The Inth'way Mangosteen Experience Live @ The Jam Factory

Описание к видео S P A C E - The Inth'way Mangosteen Experience Live @ The Jam Factory

This is our set opening track filmed live at The Jam Factory Tauranga and it tells of our associations with the OG IG fam who like to pop into our reality from time to time ... lot's more to say about this but for now we'll let the music walk this stellar talk ...

The final frontier
Well that’s what they say
Not my frontier
Though I’d rather look up
Than down

Laid on a tramp one night
Staring at the stars
Not just staring
Talking to the stars

Then they started moving
In formation
This way that way
They were playing a game with me

Wow - that was wow
I stretched my arms out
And cried “Oh yeah - c’mon!”
And they did

Brighter and brighter
Faster and faster
Started hurtling toward me
So fast
Too fast
I screamed

And the lights went out

I don’t think they were stars after all
But they made me look up
Instead of down

And now I keep my eyes on the heavens
So much going on up there 
You just need to keep your eyes up
And not down

Well, sometimes down
If I don’t cast my eyes downward
I’ll step on the rug
And the rug will squeal
My rug has little ears
And a duster for a tail

And so I would say
Keep your eyes up
But be aware of what’s around you
And underneath you

Awareness is the key
The key to harmony
Within and without
That’s what I’m about

I look above 
And the world is spinning
Stars so bright
Take me away with you

I look to the night
To places unseen
That’s where I want to be
Take me with you 

To sights unseen
Explore my full potential
To the outer regions of my mind
And then within

To the places I can find
To be at peace
Harmony within myself
And with you
There is no one else

Just my thoughts
That take me beyond
What anyone can see
To that place inside my head
Let me be me 

Feel the Space
Until the sun
Touches my soul
Warms from the inside out
Makes me whole

Promises of love and life
Everything is alright
Years drop away
Nothing can stop me
Feet don’t touch the ground
Love and joyous laughter
Lifting me up so high
No enhancements
Just the sun,
The sun to get by

Heals me
Gives me hope and joy
Fuels my mind
Until the next time
Clouds drifting in
Don’t stay too long
All that is good
Will be gone 

The final frontier
That’s what they say 
But what do they mean?
And why is it final?
Seems infinite to me

I gaze upon the stars
And hope for so much
And then the stars move
And dance about
Did I imagine that?

They play a game with me
Dancing in formation
Their lights getting brighter
My heart beating faster
Eager face looking to the sky
Arms outstretched
Once again I cry

And the lights go out
Oh such a funny game
I know you’re there
Not just the stars
But the possibilities
That keep me looking up
Not down

Gives me hope and joy
My old body reflects my inner self
The child in me can dance about
Feet barely touch the ground
The grass at my feet feels lush and sound

I feel at one with the earth
And space together
You don’t need to go there to be there

I already feel like I’m in 
My final frontier

Lyrics: Mama Hollywood
Music: Inth'way Mangosteen


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