Om Sat Chit Ananda - Official Music Video - Shakti Dance® Spiral-Free-Flow, by Saravtar

Описание к видео Om Sat Chit Ananda - Official Music Video - Shakti Dance® Spiral-Free-Flow, by Saravtar

"Om Sat Chit Ananda" - Official Music Video, by Saravtar - from her New Album: "Release", featuring Kamari & Manvir.

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Music Video: Shakti Dance® Spiral-Free-Flow, by Saravtar
Find out more about Shakti Dance®:


The melody for this “Om Sat Chit Ananda” Mantra (aka Moola Mantra) came in Summer 2008, while I was pregnant with my son, during a week-long silent Vipassana retreat, while walking in the North Italian foothills. 12 years later, the opportune moment came to record it. And this melody has been beautifully and vibrantly rendered in collaboration with Kamari & Manvir this Spring, while staying at their home in Spain, during the lockdown.
In the 10 years before my son’s birth, I loved to dive deep into the mindful slow-motion reality of Vipassana. Through these weekly silent retreats came many insights that found their confluence in the methodology of Shakti Dance®. While practicing the Vipassana silent slow walking mediation, a heightened state of presence emerged, from which a spontaneous slow mediative dance flowed - very organic and intuitively creative - finding its expression through organic spiral pathways in undulating forms. This spontaneous creative flow of inner Being is what I call “Swara Rasa”.

Moving mindfully through spirals, curves and waves ushers forth the inner flow of life-force. My early practice of Tai Chi as a child and Qi Gong as a young adult has gradually woven itself through my daily practice of yogic asanas, creating a methodic practice that systematically opens up pathways of nadis and meridians with great efficacy - for a more ‘embodied’ experience.

🍃Ultimately, the different Phases of the Shakti Dance® all collaborate to open up this organic flow of Shakti Spirit🍃:

🌟 Breathing through slow spiral and wave-like stretches (Shakti Flowing Asanas);
🌟 Creating self-sustaining harmony through the whole-body interplay of the five elements (Standing Exercises);
🌟 Listening deeply to follow inner soul-impulse (Free Dance);
🌟 Moving with cyclic symmetry in meditative movement-sequences (Celestial Communications & Mantric Choreographies) and
🌟 Diving deeply into the stillness of Source (Silent Breath Meditation).

More and more people are experiencing how the 8-Phases of Shakti Dance® open up our body and mind to the harmonising subtle-flows of our spirit-Self; how through this practice the Being we truly are radiates through the body’s subtle channels into the material world; how our deeper Self can more fully incarnate with increased harmony; and how our creative aware presence facilitates our healing and Self-realisation.

If you resonate with this kind of practice, do check out what we have to offer:

🌸 bring these restorative and enlivening techniques into your life and share with those around you.
🌸 enhance your well-being and creative fulfilment.

✨We would love to have you join us and share in this magic✨

🎶Music “Om Sat Chit Ananda”, from my new Album: “Release” by Saravtar, featuring Kamari & Manvir… stay tuned!


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