The BIGGEST KICKSTARTER for Playing Cards! Are they any good? Vivid Kingdoms - by Ten Hundred!!!

Описание к видео The BIGGEST KICKSTARTER for Playing Cards! Are they any good? Vivid Kingdoms - by Ten Hundred!!!

Diggo Decks Playing Cards Available Now!

I finally got my hands on these sweet looking cards. Have you seen the series on these yet?
Here's a link to the first one in the series:
   • Designing my own Custom PLAYING CARDS...  

I know this dude is an artist and a really good one at that. But how good are his cards gonna be?
These playing cards are definitely gonna be great for everything: Cardistry, Collecting, Card Magic, Card Games like Poker, Black Jack, Rummy etc.

Let's open some packs!

Join the discord conversation on all things playing cards here:
  / discord  

I have a new deck that I'm working on that's inspired by collectable card games and it also has a solo card game built into it.
Check out the first video on that deck here:
   • Видео  

Check out Diggo Decks Playing Card stuff here:

Follow me on Instagram: @diggodecks

God Bless & see y'all in the next one!


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