BRUNO MARS young in Hawaii

Описание к видео BRUNO MARS young in Hawaii

This is a rare video that I recorded years ago when "Bruno Mars" a.k.a Bruno Hernandez, was just a little boy doing Elvis impersonations in Hawai'i. Those of you viewing this video that I uploaded need to realize that THIS video was from a show we used to watch in Hawaii called "The Hawaiian Moving Company". A show created in Hawaii for the local community, and it just featured human interest, entertainment etc. types of stories. Bruno Mars was first featured on it when he was a kid doing Elvis impersonations. THIS SHOW was a sort of a "10 years later what is he doing now" type of feature which showed him singing on stage as a teen now in Hawaii. This follow-up show had NO IDEA what he would become later on in his life. This is what makes this rare video so iconic!


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