Lego Batman Gotham Legacy: Episode One Trailer

Описание к видео Lego Batman Gotham Legacy: Episode One Trailer

Now I know what you may be thinking, "Don't you already have a batman series l Brick"

And the answer is yes, but I will not be continuing it for several reasons that include copyright issues and deadend scripts.

So I have decided to collaborate with fellow Youtubers "Instant Motion Films" And
"GT Animations", in order to help make the batman story I have always tried and failed to get on film a series with a darker tone with a batman that starts with only one suit and one ally with no legacy and no name.

I understand many of you may be disappointed with teh end of the old batman series but I promise to keep the old series up for anybody who wishes to watch it in future.

I hope you all understand and I hope with the help of my fellow writers and team of incredible voice actors I can bring you teh series I always promised to give you :)


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