BBC Choral Evensong: St Mary’s Warwick 1993 (Simon Lole)

Описание к видео BBC Choral Evensong: St Mary’s Warwick 1993 (Simon Lole)

Live BBC radio broadcast on 15 December 1993. The choir of the Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick, directed by Simon Lole. Organist: Kevin Bowyer.

Introit: A song of the light (Simon Lole)
Responses: Herbert Sumsion
[ Psalm 78 (South, Cooper, Stanford, Cutler, Attwood) ]
Office Hymn: Creator of the stars of night (Plainsong)
Canticles: St John's Service (Herbert Howells)
Anthem: This is the record of John (Orlando Gibbons)

Unfortunately, this recording was donated to the Archive in a heavily-edited version, the psalms, lessons, closing hymn and organ voluntary having been removed.


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