EDGEcast - Variables

Описание к видео EDGEcast - Variables

Variables, Expressions, Formulas - whatever we call them, most modern CAD software packages have ways of controlling their modelling dimensions and inputs intelligently, and automating how they update when the design needs to change.

In Solid Edge, the Variable Table allows users to create complex mathematical and logical rules to govern almost every design input you can think of. In practice, it means that you can make sure a part length updates based on changes to its height, automatically ensure a gap measurement does not exceed a maximum value, or even drive everything from an external spreadsheet. This episode of EDGEcast will show exactly what's possible with this powerful - but sometimes overlooked - table of dimensions and input values.

Already know what variables do, but you're using Solid Edge ST8 or older? Watch this video and see what's been added - you might well be surprised.

Useful references;
"Introduction to Synchronous Mode" EDGECast Episode
   • EDGEcast -  Introduction to Synchrono...  

Microsoft Visual Basic Script User's guide

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