Point of Rental Essentials Software: Admin & Accounting

Описание к видео Point of Rental Essentials Software: Admin & Accounting

Welcome Point of Rental Software demo series for Rental Essentials. In this episode we'll be taking a look at some of the things you can do while in “admin mode”. Under the “accounting menu” you will be able to set/reconcile the cash drawer, setup integrated credit card processing, configure tax rates and jurisdictions, and change the way your accounting information gets exported to your accounting package. Next we have account management where you are able to manage things like employees, categories, locations, price sheets to automate your rental rates across the board and day discounts, so if Wednesday is your slow day, you can choose to give everyone who rents on that day a discount. The configuration section is where we change most of the things that affect the way you and your customers use the product. For instance, you might want to change your company hours or add a holiday. Maybe you need to add a google analytics account so you can track what’s happening on the online store front. Last but not least, we have reports. Here you will find tons of different reports that will automatically work for you right out of the box. You’ll see things like your potential future revenue, best sellers or rental items, overbook reports, return on investment, maintenance reports, and many more. Best of all, you can easily email any of this information with the click of a single button. Interested in learning about more features? Visit http://www.point-of-rental.com/produc....


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