The Best Salt According to Science (NOT what you think!)

Описание к видео The Best Salt According to Science (NOT what you think!)

The healthiest salt you've probably never heard of! Science-backed, easy and effective, this hack can deliver results overnight with no effort or big change to your diet.

excess of sodium (salt) among top 3 causes of death and disease

why is sodium problematic?

The more sodium, the more water our kidneys retain. This increases blood pressure, i.e. more stress on the heart, raising risk of CVD

moderating sodium is associated with less CVD

high sodium may raise risk of kidney disease, osteoroposis and stomach cancer

so just go easy on the salt?
eating salty food builds the habit, and reducing salt intensifies the taste of salt and we start preferring less salty foods

is there something that makes food salty but doesn’t raise blood pressure?

Turns out we have something even better. Potassium chloride. Its salty and lowers blood pressure. Potassium helps the body excrete sodium and it can also relax blood vessels directly

recent trial replaced people´s salt to be lower in sodium and higher in potassium. the salt lower in sodium reduced strokes and mortality and the salt only reduced sodium 25%

If salt had even less sodium, effect could be even stronger.

only swapping salt (still salty) reduced total death. in the US, people eating the most sodium have higher risk of dying; higher potassium associated with lower mortality.

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Animations: Even Topland @toplandmedia


Amazon links (I have no affiliation):

check out Kevin Bass´ video on the same topic:    • This diet hack will make your food ta...  

royalty free Music by Giorgio Di Campo for FreeSound Music
  / freemusicfor.  .
   / freesoundmusic  
original video:    • 1 hour Bossa Nova Mix-  no copyright ...  

Disclaimer: The contents of this video are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor to replace medical care. The information presented herein is accurate and conforms to the available scientific evidence to the best of the author's knowledge as of the time of posting. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding any medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information contained in Nutrition Made Simple!.

#NutritionMadeSimple #GilCarvalho

0:00 #1 diet hack
0:55 Excess sodium, a risk factor
2:42 Benefits of Potassium Chloride
5:14 Trying potassium salt for myself
5:51 Where to find it
7:02 How does it taste?
7:39 Can we go too far?
8:35 Where most sodium comes from


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