Wanna get better at paid social advertising? Start here!

Описание к видео Wanna get better at paid social advertising? Start here!

Ready to take your social ads to the next level? In the next six minutes (or so), we'll take you through the top strategies and best practices for creating and optimizing GREAT social media ads.

We promise — it's wayyyyy easier than you think.

⚡️⚡️ Grab your free 60-day trial now: https://ow.ly/jJAF50U8lfo

0:00 Introduction
1:02 Tip 1: Choose the right objective
2:00 Tip 2: Narrow down your targeting
2:46 Tip 3: Make the most of your budget
3:37 Tip 4: Improve your ad creative
4:39 Tip 5: Review your analytics

Learn more about social advertising on the Hootsuite blog: https://ow.ly/HKUZ50U8lcv

🔬 Check out all our expert secrets, tips, and tricks on our blog: https://ow.ly/O1Sr50U8leQ

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Hootsuite Labs is powered by Hootsuite's own social media marketing team. Subscribe to get social media tricks, tactics, and tools tested by the experts. We experiment and share our results to help you succeed on social media. Because we love u.

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