Pullin' Out All the Stops [Furnace YM2203 (PC-98) Original]

Описание к видео Pullin' Out All the Stops [Furnace YM2203 (PC-98) Original]

THIS TURNED OUT SO GOOD YOU GUYS!!! :D I can't believe how well this came together; it just started with me experimenting with Extended Ch 3 and SSG-EG, trying to see if I could make more than 1 of the 4 operators sound interesting by themselves. From there, I found multiple neat tricks (detailed below), made my first ever FM electric guitar, and managed to put it all together into... this! And I'm very proud of it :]

Neat Trick™️ #1: Smooth SSG-EG Triangle Wave - This revolves around the oscillator frequency being the minimum of 0 Hz. The SSG-EG sawtooth envelopes reset the phase of the oscillator each time they cycle, but the triangle envelopes do not. This means that, for a 0 Hz oscillator, a sawtooth envelope will always result in no sound, since the sine wave starts on the zero line, but a triangle envelope MAY result in sound, depending on where the sine wave happened to be in its cycle.
To accomplish sound easily and consistently, start playing a new note with the oscillator playing a subsonic frequency depending on tick rate (~15 Hz for standard NTSC timing), then on the very next tick, change the frequency to 0 Hz. The former sine wave will now just be a DC offset that the SSG-EG acts upon, creating a smooth triangle-ish wave depending on the envelope settings.

Neat Trick™️ #2: AY Envelope Coarse Volume Control - This one revolves around the square wave period being set to 0. This effectively creates a DC offset halfway between the volume-0 level and the volume-15 level, which the hardware envelope can then act upon. So instead of sweeping from volume-15 to volume-0, it sweeps from ~volume-13 (since the AY has logarithmic volume) to volume-0. To switch between full and half volume, simply enable or disable the square wave in the relevant channel. This is obviously pretty handy for potentially better mixing. The only downside is that you then can't mix a (sonic frequency) square wave into it to make all those cool sounds that come with doing that.

Main channel: ‪@TheTomatoWatcher‬
My Discord server:   / discord  
SMM2 Maker ID: CK6-THR-01G
Switch friend code: SW-6890-8801-9893
Steam friend code: 1150191254
Epic name: TomatoWatcherYT


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