Rimworld Testing : Shooting training and Capturing Enemies : Tutorial Nugget

Описание к видео Rimworld Testing : Shooting training and Capturing Enemies : Tutorial Nugget

When it comes to capturing enemies does the machine pistol have an advantage.... not really as far as I can see. Looks to be random if the enemies end up dead or incapacitated.
When it comes to training shooting skill, things are a little un-intuitive. All weapons generate the same about of exp for time spent shooting. That means their is no difference between using an auto pistol or a sniper rifle for exp gain. So it's just a case of figuring out which gun can miss the most so you can farm the most exp. Winner is the awful Sniper rifle with the bolt action being a close second. Auto pistol gets an Honorable mention.

Capture testing save map

Snipe rifle skill gain testing save

Down chances per weapon

Exp gain per weapon


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