Israel's End Game with Hezbollah | The Caroline Glick Show

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What is the IDF's end game with Hezbollah? Can Israel really fight a two-front war on its Southern and Northern border? Is avoiding a full-scale with the Iran-backed militia even desirable?

Journalist and author Caroline Glick discusses all this with the Herut Center's CEO Amiad Cohen. He argues that Israel must take back all of southern Lebanon while seeking to prevent a Groundhog Day situation with Hezbollah.

Anyone trying to make sense of the North needs to watch this!

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00:00 Introduction and Discussion of the Situation in Lebanon
03:18 Israel's War Against Iran on the Northern Border
06:06 Iran's Strategy: Weakening Israel Economically and Through Negotiations
12:41 Challenges Faced by Israel: Exhaustion, Threat to Cities, and Reluctance to Go to War with Biden
25:07 Preventing a Groundhog Day Situation with Hezbollah
32:47 Preparing for a Long-Term War: Rebuilding Israel's Military
36:03 The Strategic Challenge of Proxies: Hezbollah in Lebanon
39:55 Exploring Regime Change in Iran: A Solution to the Iranian Threat
57:43 The Impact of the US Elections on the Region

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