Reply to Iron Horse's Reply (Piston Porting; Squish Velocity and Turbulence, etc)

Описание к видео Reply to Iron Horse's Reply (Piston Porting; Squish Velocity and Turbulence, etc)

I've made a slightly shorter version that tries to cover things from a slightly different angle that I think will be more appealing to chainsaw-performance-people (while this one to you, Harvey, I hope does not contain redundancies or too many "duh" moments, I tried to keep basics out of this as much as possible w/o risking losing anyone who tries watching :P ) The other version has pictures/illustrations to show precisely how I mean to treat squish bands/quenching insofar as "sloped, with choked/ramped interfacing between 'Squish Land' volume and our combustion-chamber charge, which we're seeking to keep tight w/ our squish band via the force&velocity of the squished-charge it produces. URL for other 'part'/other way of looking at some of these things (20min video) is


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