Julie Schumer Demonstrates How To Create Depth In Abstract Painting Using Flux and Obliteration

Описание к видео Julie Schumer Demonstrates How To Create Depth In Abstract Painting Using Flux and Obliteration

Julie Schumer demonstrates techniques to create depth in your abstract paintings. This video is a sample of Julie's workshop, "Exploring Mark Making"
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I'm going to show you the process of flux and obliteration, or veiling, as a way to create great depth in your paintings. We're going to go through this process of starting with marks and veiling-- putting more marks in, taking them out. It's an additive and subtractive process.
I’m just going to draw some random marks across this paper. I’m trying to vary my marks. You notice some of it's lighter some of it's darker-- just kind of until i feel like i want to stop. Then I’m going to take some of this Golden gel gloss with a clean palette knife and I’m going to fix some of these lines.
I’m just going to pick them randomly to to do that with and i don't care that this is all smeary that's perfectly all right it'll add to the depth of the painting later and also it's kind of fun just to scrape the pastel around and move your palette knife around. You're creating richness.
The next thing I’m going to do is take some matte medium in this little plastic container. I’m going to take some of that and a little water and I’m going to kind of just smear some of these other ones. This is going to add richness to the surface. It's also going to help set the lines a little bit.
This is all just intuitive and playing. Now I’m going to take some of my white paint and I’ve got a liquidy white paint here and I’ve got a stiffer white paint to work with both of them. I’m just going to start veiling over parts of it as is my whim leaving parts getting rid of parts. I’m going to grab my bondo knife and just take it and scrape over this area. I’ll take some of the more liquid paint and do that--you can see the difference between the liquid paint and the heavier body paint. There's not very much coverage at all but that can be something that you want. It gives new meaning to the word veil.
i think it's time to go back in with a drawing tool so I’m going to put this other stuff down and I’ll pick up my 9b lira water soluble crayon which i will dip in water and we'll make some more marks and it's just random i'm not thinking about it at all i've no concept of what this is going to wind up none i could also take this out and spray it with fixative but i don't want to do that but that would be another alternative if you wanted to fix some of the lines.
I'm feeling a little perhaps pastel in this area that might be interesting ultimately we'll cover up some of those now I’ll take up a brush again with white and I’ll use some of my heavy bodied white paint and you can already see we're getting different variations of gray to black to white just a little bit and like i say we're still in the random phase we don't know what's going on yet and we may not for a little bit of time.
We’re going to scrape some off that also helps move the line too so you can already get the sense of depth from this you've got lines appearing and disappearing you have a sense of three-dimensionality starting to develop.


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