South Indian Bank Rights Issue Details | Rights Issue explained | How to apply ? தமிழில்|Mar - 2024

Описание к видео South Indian Bank Rights Issue Details | Rights Issue explained | How to apply ? தமிழில்|Mar - 2024

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Rights issue explained full video :    • Rights Issue(RE)-ல் Zerodha Customers...  

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What is a Rights issue ?

A rights offering is a right offered to existing shareholders to purchase additional shares, in proportion to their existing holdings
The Rights issue price will always be at a lesser price than the current market price of the stock
The reasons for the rights issue is generally to raise funds to Pay off debt, Purchase of assets to the business and acquiring another
company etc.,

What is a Right Entitlement ?

Rights Entitlements (REs) are temporary demat securities that represent your eligibility to apply for the rights issue
These REs are not rights shares by themselves and need to be used to apply for the rights shares. If you do not sell the REs or use them to apply for rights, they will lapse worthless
They are settled on a trade-to-trade basis

Who will be eligible for the Rights Issue ?

You should have purchased the shares before the ex-date to be eligible for the rights issue
If you have sold your shares after the ex-date then you are entitled to receive the RE

How to Apply Rights :-

You may apply for the rights shares either through the RTA’s portal or via net banking ASBA if your bank allows it
Also you can sell the REs at a price someone’s willing to pay for it. Market forces will determine the price at which the REs will trade
If you don’t take any action, and let the REs remain in your Zerodha account, they will lapse after the issue.

Paid Types:

Full payment paid issue
Partly Paid issue (respective of Face value)

If you don’t have the shares, can you apply for Rights issue ?

Yes, not eligible as per record can also apply rights issue
Have to bought REs, you’re eligible for the rights issue. You may apply for the rights shares either through the RTA’s portal or via net banking ASBA if your bank allows it
If you don’t take any action, and let the REs remain in your demat account, they will lapse after the issue
Unfortunately, if you bought RE shares on temporary trading period,
if you are willing to sell you can. Once the REs are credited to
your account, you will be able to see and sell them like
normal cash market scripts



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