Paul Liebrandt & Jordan Kahn, The Role of a Chef, 2006

Описание к видео Paul Liebrandt & Jordan Kahn, The Role of a Chef, 2006

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In his presentation at the 2006 StarChefs International Chefs Congress, Chef Paul Liebrandt posed a few questions: Why do gastronomic restaurants exist? For the business venture? For the customer? In the year 2006, was cooking fundamentally an art or a craft? With the decade came the rise of hyper-creative restaurants such as El Bulli and Liebrandt’s own Gilt. Liebrandt used the term “couture cuisine” to describe this approach to food, as if Gilt offered collections down a runway for the diner to ooh and ah at. “I like to be challenged,” he said. “Food should be fun, exciting, delicious, but at the same time, I think it should challenge you. It shouldn’t be boring.” To illustrate, he showed off techniques that were based on the classics but with new takes: compressed watermelon, tableside-sliced foie gras with hibiscus-beet glaze, lime gel with a base of agar agar, Pacojet ice cream, spinach leaves crystallized with Litesse, and Pastry Chef Jordan Khan’s freeform sablé that could be molded into whimsical shapes.


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