12.29.2024 - 1030am: Mass on the Feast of the Holy Family

Описание к видео 12.29.2024 - 1030am: Mass on the Feast of the Holy Family

12.29.2024 - 1030am: Mass on the Feast of the Holy Family

Permission to stream music in this service obtained from ONELICENSE. Certificate on file.

Share your prayers in this space or contact the Parish Office for Mass Intentions! | ¡Escriba sus oraciones aquí o comuníquese a la Oficina Parroquial si tiene Intenciones para la Misa.

Increase Offertory Campaign: Fill out Pledge Card here! Campaña para Incrementar las Ofrendas: ¡Llene la Tarjeta de Compromiso aquí! https://sanjosechurch.org/85anniversary

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Apoye nuestro ministerio en las redes sociales con un donativo electrónico:

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San José Catholic Church
2435 Oak Crest Ave
Austin, TX 78704

Or call the Parish Office / Llame a la Oficina Parroquial:

Liturgy of the Hours: download iBreviary from the App Store (or Google Play Store for android users)

Staff | Personal
Rev. Jairo Sandoval-Pliego, Pastor
Mr. Guadalupe (Lupe) Velasquez, PBA
Mrs. Kathy Duran, Director of Liturgy & Music
Mr. Isaac Naranjo, Music Coordinator
Mrs. Rita Velasquez, Director of Religious Education
Mr. Antonio Avilés Jr., Information Technology
Mr. Alex Odom, Temporary Executive Secretary to the Pastor
Mrs. Licha Lemus, Administrative Assistant
Mr. Cristian Maldonado, Bookkeeper
Ms. Leanne Arismendez, REd Assistant
Ms. Jocelyne Bahena, Bulletin Editor
Ms. Amy Quevedo, Production Assistant
Mrs. Rosario Tristan, Receptionist
Ms. Vilma Castro, Receptionist
Ms. Ester Terrazas, Archivist
Mr. Salvador Perez, Custodian
Mr. Sergio Castillo, Custodian
Mr. Elias Lemus, Custodian

Deacons | Diáconos
Rev. Jose Mendez
Rev. Alfred Benavides (Retired)

Spiritual Directors | Directores Espirituales
Rev. Agapito Lopez (Deacon)
Ms. Cheryl Sellstrom

Mr. Nathan Sharp, Deacon Candidate


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