Oracle of Ages Randomizer ~ 4 essences for the brotherhood

Описание к видео Oracle of Ages Randomizer ~ 4 essences for the brotherhood

One of the new features introduced lately is lower essence requirements to beat the game. I decided to start off by going right down the middle and requiring only 4 essences, but you can go as low as 1 or as high as all 8.

Also, the gasha trees can be used to obtain an item. The randomized item will always spawn on the first gasha nut you harvest.

You can find karafruit's fork at

Linked items are now supported including the master sword, mirror shield, 99 seed satchel, and biggoron's sword. Bombchus are not added due to item limits when combined with cross items and due to their lack of uses.

Maple can now drop a randomized item. Since it can be difficult to spawn Maple and then beat her to picking up the item, it is only logical with a way to infinitely kill enemies, something to swing in case the item drops over a tile you can walk on, and pegasus seed satchel to help race her to the item.

I stream all of my randomizers live on Twitch at   / mashy  

#zelda #oracleofages #ooarandomizer


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