Shibe rushes to help Grandma, but all he does is warm himself under the kotatsu.

Описание к видео Shibe rushes to help Grandma, but all he does is warm himself under the kotatsu.

Shibe Ranmaru often visits his grandmother's house.

People often come to Grandma's house, so when Ranmaru goes to Grandma's house, he spends more time investigating.

In this video, Ranmaru rushed over because his grandma contacted him saying that the TV was broken.

Arriving at grandma's house, Ranmaru immediately starts investigating and walks around the room.

In the meantime, the TV has been repaired, but Ranmaru's investigation continues, and as a result, Ranmaru is stuck.

After that, Ranmaru rested for a while at the kotatsu and went home.

#shibe #winter #grandma #shobe #shiba


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