Expansive Triangle Passing Exercise - Warm-Up

Описание к видео Expansive Triangle Passing Exercise - Warm-Up

Expansive Triangle Passing Exercise - Warm-Up
Phase 1 - Small triangle passing exercise, follow the pass from white to blue, blue to the pole and then restart. Alternate the pattern so the next ball is white to red, red to the pole and restart.

Phase 2 - Medium size triangle exercise, follow the pass but this time passing to the opposite pole and then back to the start, alternating the pattern from side to side.

Phase 3 - Pass from the white marker to the blue marker, blue to red and then pass out to the mannequin. The player receiving on the mannequin dribbles the ball down to the blue pole and then passes the ball to the beginning.

Phase 4 - As the player passes from the white to the blue marker, the player on the red marker opens up the passing channel to the player on the mannequin. The player on the blue marker passes all the way across to the player on the mannequin, who performs a 1-2 with the player supporting from the red marker. Depending on the length of the return pass of the 1-2, the player either dribbles and passes to the start of the next line, or passes immediately after receiving the 1-2. Perform the exercise in both directions.
Phase 5 - Revert back to phase 3, a simple passing combination to get the ball to the player on the mannequin. When the player on the mannequin receives the ball, they turn and pass into the mini-goal directly in front of them then perform a high intensity run in the opposite direction to return to the same line. Both groups perform the action and then they switch the the opposite side to complete the exercise again.


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