Purdue Polytechnic Live Q&A – Aug. 20, 2021 – Boiler Gold Rush Polytechnic Welcome

Описание к видео Purdue Polytechnic Live Q&A – Aug. 20, 2021 – Boiler Gold Rush Polytechnic Welcome

Let's get together virtually as new students at Purdue and in our college! Carrie Berger, interim dean of Purdue Polytechnic, will welcome you. We will discuss classroom etiquette and integrity, remaining healthy and safe during in-person classes and lab sessions, staying connected and getting support when you need it, getting involved in student organizations, and having fun as Polytechnic students. Our panelists will include Nathan Mentzer and Dawn Laux (professors), Lauren Lucas (academic advisor), and Toni Munguia, Ryne Kerchner and Cyndi Lynch (from our Office of Recruitment, Retention and Diversity — our "go-to team" for help when you need it). Also, student leaders Melanie Sperrazza (Women in Technology) and Faith Spencer (Minority Technology Association) will discuss the benefits of joining their student organizations.


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