How I'm Going To Get 10,000 $ A Month This Will Be My Journey

Описание к видео How I'm Going To Get 10,000 $ A Month This Will Be My Journey

Welcome back, dads! In today’s episode, I’m sharing my plan to reach $10,000 a month in income. I know that might sound ambitious, but I want to walk you through my business model and how I plan to achieve this goal. This is just a brief overview, as each part of the plan deserves a deeper dive in future videos. So, let’s get into it!

The Foundation: YouTube Channel and Blog
My first step is to establish a YouTube channel and a blog. These platforms will be the foundation of my business, helping me build an audience and a future customer base. The idea is to drive traffic to my content, which in turn will generate income through ads.

If you’re watching this video, you might have seen an ad at the beginning, or perhaps during or after the video. These ads generate revenue for content creators, and the same goes for blogs where ads are displayed alongside the content. While the ad income might start small and fluctuate, it’s an important first step in my strategy.

The Second Stream: Affiliate Marketing
The second part of my income plan is affiliate marketing. This involves linking to products that I genuinely believe in and use in my daily life. When someone purchases a product through my affiliate links, I earn a commission. However, I want to emphasize that I’ll only promote products that I’ve tested and trust, ensuring that you’re getting the best deals and quality recommendations.

Affiliate income is a great way to generate revenue without adding extra costs for you, the customer. It’s a win-win situation where I can support my business while providing valuable resources to my audience.

The Third Stream: Product Development
The final piece of the puzzle is creating and launching my own product. While this won’t be a focus in the first two years, it will become increasingly important as the business grows. I’m already working on ideas and prototypes, and while this product isn’t specifically for this channel, it will be a major part of my overall business strategy.

The product will be tailored to my other channel’s audience, but the principles of development and launch will be shared here as part of my journey. My goal is to create something truly valuable that solves a problem for my audience, ultimately boosting my income as the business matures.

The Journey Ahead
This channel is like my journal, where I’ll share the ups and downs of my journey to $10,000 a month. In the last video, I talked about why I set this goal, and now I’m laying out the path I plan to take to reach it. The journey will be like climbing a mountain—challenging but rewarding.

I hope this overview was helpful and gives you a better understanding of my strategy. I’m looking forward to discussing this further and hearing your thoughts. Feel free to leave comments and questions below, and I’ll be happy to engage with you. Thanks for joining me on this journey, and I’ll see you in the next episode!


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