Everything wrong with statistics (and how to fix it)

Описание к видео Everything wrong with statistics (and how to fix it)

A crisis has emerged across a number of research fields with the discovery that many published results are not reproducible, and applied statistics has been assigned a substantial share of the blame. But if you ask LLNL statistician Kristin Lennox, the problem does not lie with statistical methods, but rather from misleading training for non-statisticians.

Lennox, director of statistical consulting in the Computational Engineering Division, recently drew about 150 LLNL employees for a talk titled “Everything wrong with statistics (and how to fix it).” In it, she described the cause of the crisis and three golden rules researchers should apply ensure their data analysis is robust.

The slides are available on Slideshare: http://bit.ly/1PoqYJw.

For more information at statistics at LLNL, visit the data analytics website: https://data-analytics.llnl.gov/


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