चारै कोचको कुर्सी घुमाउने पहिलो प्रतियोगी The First 4-Chair Turn Contestant in The Voice Of Nepal

Описание к видео चारै कोचको कुर्सी घुमाउने पहिलो प्रतियोगी The First 4-Chair Turn Contestant in The Voice Of Nepal

चारै कोचको कुर्सी घुमाउने पहिलो प्रतियोगी The First 4-Chair Turn Contestant in The Voice Of Nepal History-Murchunga TV

Discover the unforgettable moment when The Voice of Nepal witnessed its first-ever 4-chair turn! Relive the contestant's extraordinary performance that captivated all four coaches and set a new standard in the show's history. Find out who this trailblazing talent was, the reactions from the coaches, and how this historic audition became a defining moment for Nepali music reality shows. Don't miss this inspiring journey of talent and triumph!

प्रविधि सम्बन्धी च्यानलको लिंक–    / @prabidhikgyan  
Credit: The Voice Of Nepal/Himalaya TV
Script/Narrator/Edit: Chandra Ghalan
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#MurchungaTV #ChandraGhalan #TheVoiceOfNepalSeason6 #PramodKharel #KhemCentury #SushilGartaula


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