What did Baudrillard think about The Matrix?

Описание к видео What did Baudrillard think about The Matrix?

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My other video on Baudrillard:    • American Psycho, Baudrillard and the ...  

Some more good introductory videos on Baudrillard:
Rick Roderick:    • Rick Roderick on Baudrillard - Fatal ...  
theory pleeb:    • Baudrillard: Postmodern Consumer Soci...  
Then & Now:    • An Introduction to Baudrillard  

Baudrillard interview on The Matrix: http://postmoderndays.blogspot.com/20...
Baudrillard's "Simulacra & Simulation": https://www.e-reading.club/bookreader...
Baudrillard's "Symbolic Exchange & Death": http://www.after1968.org/app/webroot/...

Texts on the relation between The Matrix and Baudrillard:
"Adapting Philosophy: Jean Baudrillard and "The Matrix Trilogy"" - https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt155...
"Did You Ever Eat Tasty Wheat?" - https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/scope/do...


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