Network Spinal Analysis Cervical disc problems alleviated.

Описание к видео Network Spinal Analysis Cervical disc problems alleviated.

Brutto could not walk or really move due to "neurological" problems. This breed often has problems with cervical discs which can lead to an array of physical conditions. A MRI was suggested but turned down by the owners; due to the dog's age and the general anaesthesia necessary for the procedure. They saw Touching Animals and after a brief time he was back to normal. Restrictions of movement and reduced excitement were suggested. A relapse occurred from over excitement but quickly resolved after the canine abided by my suggestions to him that he should not move if he hurts himself again. His victory dance is valid just the same. Caution and calm will assist him.Thank you for allowing him to be assisted by Touching Animals

Acknowledgment and thanks to the free music of You Tube audio free library.

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Touching Animals applies a non force technique to change body tension patterns increasing the animal's natural ability to heal. Principally Network Spinal Analysis. As soon as possible a non-profit for the purpose of research is to be formed. Funds from such endeavours will be used to assist all animals without a voice. Our intent is unwavering.

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