Baby Constipation: Natural Remedies, Signs & Causes

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Baby Constipation: Natural Remedies, Signs & Causes:
Let’s start with the telling signs.

How do you know if your child is constipated? Here’s what to look for:
If your baby’s normal poop schedule is off. For example, if your baby hasn’t pooped in three days, but normally has a bowel movement every morning, he might be a little backed up.

You notice your baby straining excessively to poop. You may see them grunting or turning a little red in the face.

Your baby’s tummy feels full, hard and bloated. This is a very common sign.

Your baby refuses food or doesn’t seem as hungry. This is because they have bowel discomfort and distention and don’t want to add to it with eating a lot of food.

When baby does finally have a bowel movement, their stool is hard, dry and in little pellets.

OK, let’s talk about what causes constipation in babies?
Transitioning to solids. This is a super common time for babies to get constipated as their bodies adjust to all of these solid foods. Be sure to wait until baby displays signs of readiness like sitting up unassisted, reaching for your food, and is at least 6 months of age to give solids.

Some foods produce hard, firmer stools and can result in constipation problems. You don’t have to cut them out entirely, but both bananas and apple sauce are stool firming foods and can contribute to constipation in some babies

Though often recommended, rice cereal is not a great choice for baby’s first solid. Besides being high in arsenic, rice cereal can be very constipating.

Sometimes the cause isn’t what baby’s eating—it’s what mama is eating if she is nursing. Studies suggest that chronic constipation in children can be a result of a cow’s milk allergy and they could be picking up some of these dairy proteins through mom’s breast milk

If your baby drinks formula, double-check to make sure you’re using the correct ratio of powder to water. An imbalance can contribute to dehydration and sometimes that is all it takes to cause constipation.

And if a bottle-fed baby is constipated, sometimes the solution is as easy as changing the formula. Some babies don’t do well on a cow’s milk formula but thrive on a goat’s milk one.

For a breastfeeding mom, if baby is not gaining weight, has a poor latch, or is excessively fussy, he may not be getting enough milk resulting in fewer bowel movements.

Although rare, chronic constipation can be a result of medical conditions including allergies or thyroid disorders.

So how can you help your baby’s constipation?
There are many products on the market to help with constipation but they aren’t healthy for children. Some products are designed for children and they still aren’t great because they contain artificial food dyes and preservatives.

When it comes to constipation remedies, it’s best to let Mother Nature lend you a helping hand. Here’s how:
First, set up a proper diet. When the baby is eating solids, avoid foods that constipate like bananas, apples, oatmeal and dairy, and offer high-fiber foods that help relieve constipation. Good choices include cooked pears, prunes, apricots, and peaches.

Use Probiotics to help restore balance in the gut and improve overall digestive health. It can make a huge difference!

A warm bath can soothe the baby and stimulate the digestive system. For the most effective constipation remedy, mix in a tablespoon of Epsom salts—the magnesium helps relax muscles and soften stool to move things along.

You can “bicycle” her legs by laying her down and moving her legs back and forth as if she were riding a bicycle.

Massaging your little one’s belly helps move trapped air and gas. It’s one of the simplest natural constipation remedies—just move your hand in sweeping or circular motions across the baby’s abdomen. Remember not to press too hard. There are also pressure points relating to the gut on the feet. You can find these between the ball of the foot and the heel. Gently rub in circular motions with your thumbs.

I’ll link to a video below that shows you how to perform baby massage and naturally relieve constipation.

Try homeopathic remedies for digestion. You should always get your doctor’s approval, but homeopathic remedies are safe, easy to administer, and can be very effective at treating constipation.

There’s also one big dietary component that can help prevent constipation in the first place: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Here’s what you can do:

For babies under 6 months old, breastfeeding on-demand or giving the proper amount of formula each day should be enough.
For babies eating solids, make sure the baby continues to get either breastmilk or formula for liquid nourishment. Once the baby can use a sippy cup, you can give 2 ounces of water per day for added hydration.


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