Inside NT LIFE: Our Journey, Achievements, and Impact

Описание к видео Inside NT LIFE: Our Journey, Achievements, and Impact

In late 2023, NT LIFE Recovery College participants proposed creating a video to illustrate our work, celebrate our achievements, and highlight our value to funders.

Our staff team identified participants and volunteers willing to be involved in the production. However, without the skills to film and edit such a video, there would have been significant costs involved in procuring a filmmaker. We believe; funding should be prioritised for service provision, but not to ignore the need to promote our service.

A new participant with filmmaking skills offered a solution, and we seized this opportunity. With their enthusiasm, we embarked on a co-production journey involving staff, volunteers, and other participants. Over several months, we captured footage during sessions, conducted one-to-one interviews, filmed our Volunteer Recognition Day, and incorporated archived photos.

The result is an authentic portrayal of NT LIFE, reflecting our ethos and values. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the participant who led this project (wishing to remain anonymous) and everyone involved.

We hope you enjoy the film and welcome your feedback. Please email your comments to [email protected].


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