Christians Can't Stay Silent About This

Описание к видео Christians Can't Stay Silent About This

Pre-order Lisa's NEW book The Fight for Female:
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Check out Lisa's Podcast - The Fight for Female:
Christians can’t stay silent anymore—it’s time to speak up and take a stand.

In a world full of confusion about what it means to be male and female, how do we reclaim our divine identity? This episode dives deep into the heart of this crucial conversation. We're exploring the urgent need for Christians to rise up, speak truth with love, and take a stand for God’s design.

Discover how we can bring hope and truth to a culture that desperately needs clarity!
00:00 - Hook
00:43 - Lisa's NEW Book The Fight for Female
1:35 - Check Out Our Other Podcasts
2:25 - What Happened in The Coffee Shop
5:12 - The Origin of the Quote "The Fight for Female"
7:58 - This is NOT Flesh and Blood...
10:20 - The HARDEST Book I've Written
12:00 - Where Are The Feminist?
13:30 - We Need to Repent
16:06 - Satan is After This Generation
17:10 - The Tree of Life and the Tree of Evil
19:39 - The Spiritual Warfare on This Book's Message
21:08 - Setting Women and Men FREE
24:22 - Order The Book Today!!!
26:08 - Rate, Review, and Subscribe!
The Conversations Podcast podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Spotify. Subscribe on your favorite podcast platform to get the audio-only version so you can take it on the go!

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