Rebel Hangar - Star Wars Ambience (Engine Rumble Brown Noise / Mechanics / Chatter / Starfighters)

Описание к видео Rebel Hangar - Star Wars Ambience (Engine Rumble Brown Noise / Mechanics / Chatter / Starfighters)

Enter the heart of the Rebel Alliance with this immersive ambience track set in a bustling hangar. Listen to the sounds of various Rebel ships as they are repaired and readied for their next mission. Over the comms, Rebel command issues orders to their pilots and ground crew, and the hum of machines and tools can be heard in the background as the skilled Rebel mechanics work tirelessly to keep the fleet flying.

With this soundscape, you will feel like you have joined the ranks of the Rebellion as they prepare to take on the might of the Empire.
For the Rebellion, and may the Force be with you!


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