中国最强AI机器人来了!叠衣做菜全能家务管家,要让十亿人用上家务机器人!China's Most Powerful AI Robot is Here!

Описание к видео 中国最强AI机器人来了!叠衣做菜全能家务管家,要让十亿人用上家务机器人!China's Most Powerful AI Robot is Here!

你们想要的机器人保姆真的要来啦!国内机器人公司星尘智能,最新发布了一款AI机器人Astribot S1!这款机器人的实力简直太逆天了,从叠衣服到颠锅炒菜,从分拣物品到吸尘打扫,再到竞技叠杯等各种高难度任务,全都手到擒来!看来我们国内的AI正在快速崛起,尤其在AI机器人方面完全不输给国外。

The robot nanny you've been waiting for is finally arriving! Domestic robot company Stardust Intelligence in China has just released its latest AI robot, the Astribot S1! This robot's capabilities are simply unbelievable, ranging from folding clothes to cooking meals, from sorting items to vacuuming and cleaning, and even mastering difficult tasks like cup stacking challenges! It seems like AI in China is rapidly advancing, especially in the field of AI robots, not lagging behind foreign counterparts at all.


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