Corporate Bonds & Treasuries

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Hello, my name is Kirk Spano. I have been managing money for over 25 years and was named the "World's Next Great Investing Columnist" by MarketWatch. I offer experience, resources, connections and the 4-step process that has gotten me over two dozen 10 baggers. I've helped thousands of readers invest into some of the best stocks and ETFs.

While most of what I do is longer-term, if you want a small taste of how our shorter-term trading works, try our members only swing trading and crypto channel with Scott "Shooter" Henderson, one of the best technical analysts I've ever seen. Our swing trading and crypto YouTube channel is only $1.99 just so you can get some of the trades to try. If you love it, then add an annual membership to our full investment letter at

Here's the most important thing I've learned about investing: Less risk is what makes more money. Not the other way around.

Simple truths for the 2020s:
*The 4th Industrial Revolution is here, which means technology is still king. #4IR
*Sustainability is at the center of development, invest in decarbonization.
*Demographics and robots are destiny.
*There's more to crypto than buying pizza.
*The big money is in investing not trading.
*Most politicians are jerks, but most people aren't.
*America is still beautiful and home of the brave, it's up to us to keep it free.
*Everyone just wants to be happy and feel unthreatened.

Things I've heard:
*From grandpa - "...if you want to know how something works, follow the money."
*From my first landlord - "...if you want to know how to do something, talk to someone who's already done it, not your bartender or neighbor or friend, go find the person who is already there."
*From my parents - "...clean up your room, it'll help you learn good habits."
*From my friends - "...drink your beer and shut up."
*From my poker crew - "... we don't care how much you win, you still suck."

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TradingView Technical Charts, Screening & Education -
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