Strive for Harmony in Your Life

Описание к видео Strive for Harmony in Your Life

You most likely have heard the term, work-life balance, but have you heard of work-life harmony? I saw this term in a book I’m reading. I hadn’t heard this term before and it piqued my interest. In this episode, I share a little more about the difference between work-life balance and work-life harmony and why I think we all should strive for more harmony in our lives.

Work-Life Balance insinuates a struggle to keep various aspects of our life in equilibrium. It is often focused on time, managing it, scheduling equal time for various aspects of our life.

Work-Life Harmony is more about designing an intentional life that aligns with your values and what is most important to you. It has a sense of flow, meaning and purpose to it. Work-Life Harmony is focused on the energy of why you do what you do.

Also included in this episode are benefits that work-life harmony can have for you and ways you can start to improve your work-life harmony.

Check out "The Strength to Shift" book now out on Amazon!


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