RAW DAYS | Madeiro / Pipa, Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil | Longboard surfing session

Описание к видео RAW DAYS | Madeiro / Pipa, Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil | Longboard surfing session

Mind surf trip to Madeiro / Pipa, Baia Formosa, Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil. "RAW DAYS" is a NobodySurf Original video series featuring a day in the world's best surf spots, raw and unedited.

✔️ "RAW DAYS" series:    • RAW DAYS | The Pass, Byron Bay, Austr...  

Location -
Madeiro / Pipa, Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil

Shooting month -

Footage by -
Mariano Correa (@marianocorreaa)

Surfer -
Nicolas Ludovino (@_nicolastomas)
Juan Escudero (@_jaunescudero)
Marina Carbonell (@carbonell.marina)
Mateus Fontes (@mteusfontes)
Caio Teixeira (@caioteixeiradobrasil)

Watch more surf videos featuring:
🇲🇽 Oaxaca: https://nobodysurf.com/tag/Oaxaca/
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