Year of the Ear October

Описание к видео Year of the Ear October

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Credit Music :

The SisketEars
   / thesisketears  

Participating Channels:
Chronically Disney
   / chronicallydisney  

CinderAli Loves Disney
   / cinderalilovesdisney  

Disney Inside Andy
   / @disneyinsideandy  

   / @dreamitdiy  

Earisistable Magic
   / earresistablemagic  

Elyce Between the Ears
   / @elycebetweentheears5944  

Erika DeOcampo
   / @erikadeocampo  

Fantastic Fandoms
   / fantasmicfandoms  

Geeking Out with MellyMel
   / geekingoutwithmellymel  

Jolly Holiday with Mary
   / jollyholidaywithmary  

Just Sami Things
   / justsamithings  

Kathleen Mirkovich Robinson
   / kikiandshawn  

Kellies Krazy Disney Addiction
   / @kellieskraziedisneyaddiction  

Krazy Kiley14
   / krazykiley14  

Life with Meg
   / 100percentgymnastics  

Louisa Ruby
   / louisarubyddd  

Magic Wishing Starr
   / magicwishingstarr  

Mickey’s Magic
   / mickeysmagic  

MCdorks Pop
   / mcdorkspop  

Melodie Phoenix
   / @melodiephoenix  

Miss Mermaid at Heart
   / @missmermaidatheart6424  

Most Magical Five
   / themostmagicalfive  

Ms. Emanem
   / @msemanem3170  

Ohana Adventures
   / ohanaadventures  

Oo De Lally Crafts and Fun
   / @lindsayscraftcorner  

Play Dates and Travels
   / playdatesandtravels  

Pumpkin Pass
   / pumpkinpass  

Rolling to Orlando
   / @rollingtoorlando  

Serena’s Sparkly Diary
   / @serenassparklydiary  

Thrifty Nerdy Mom
   / thriftynerdymom  

The Disney Housewife
   / mom2makayla1999  

The Disney Jewels
   / @thejewels2992  

Urban LiaLM
   / @urbanlialm8063  

Vicki’s Tigger Tales
   / @vickistiggertales  

Vintage Nectarines
   / @vintagenectarines  

Walt Life Salt Life
   / waltlifesaltlife  

Wonderful World of Walter
   / wonderfulworldofwalter  

Zoelle’s World
   / zoellesworld  


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