Love Exercise and It Loves You Back!

Описание к видео Love Exercise and It Loves You Back!

Love exercise and it will love you back! We’ll learn why in this video with health and fitness expert Jan Schroeder, PhD. Here's what "women of experience," awesome mature and middle-aged women need to know to get with the fit!

Dr. Schroeder—we’ll call her Jan—is a professor and past Chair of the Department of Kinesiology—that’s the study of human body movement—at California State University Long Beach. She’s written 60+ articles on exercise physiology and fitness. Jan owns Garage Girls Fitness, an in-person and online training company that focuses on group exercise, health and wellness education for women. You can access it here, and I highly suggest you do, because it's amazing:

She was the 2021 IDEA Fitness Leader of the Year recipient, too! What a great guest!

So Many Reasons to Exercise:

We know that for women of experience, exercise or physical activity can feel like a stretch if you're not used to doing it. There are so many great reasons to get active:

• Manage or lose weight
• Reduce your health risks
• Strengthen bones and muscles
• Improve ability to do daily activities and prevent falls
• Increase chances of living longer
• Feel confident, have fun, feel GOOD

Exercise makes the news regularly. We know that muscles change and get weaker as we age, so let’s make sure we’re getting stronger to compensate for that. Plus, did you know that finding 10 minutes a day to increase physical activity can prevent more than 110,000 deaths each year?

Make Exercise Part of Your Life:

Maybe just hearing the words “exercise” or “physical activity” are a turn-off to you. I’ve been working out for 40 years, usually five days a week, and I can’t imagine not doing this. I think the benefits have been well worth it, for I actually think my body is better than it was when I was in my 20s.

Jan and I hope you’ll enjoy this discussion about why working out WILL work for you. She's got lots of reasons to exercise. Especially when we become middle-aged or boomer gals, it’s important to own our health, and keeping fit is one way we can do that. The research proves it!

Ready? See you at the gym! Or at Jan's Garage Girls, and I promise you will love being fit with Jan! and with yourself! Just get started.


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