ENEA Channel - ENEA for Small Island Developing States - Polynesia

Описание к видео ENEA Channel - ENEA for Small Island Developing States - Polynesia

If you think there is still a chance, if you think it is not only a drop in the ocean take a look at this successful story; a story about studying earth, about travels and meeting people. A story about learning to fly, a story made of underwater treasures and passion for research. This are the ENEA activities supporting adaptation and mitigation to climate change in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). This is the path towards the sustainable development goals.

"The ENEA activities supporting adaptation and mitigation to climate change in Small Island Developing States - A successful story" è una produzione ENEA REL-PROM

Ideazione - Paola Giaquinto, Mirko Nobili
storyboard - Mirko Nobili
riprese e montaggio - Mirko Nobili
crediti per la soundtrack : Deeper Than the Ocean by Bonnie Grace
crediti per le immagini : Adobe Stock (da 0:00 a 0:16)
riprese subacquee: Fabio Peirano
personaggi nel video (in ordine di apparizione): Andrea Peirano, Mattia Barsanti, Francesco Immordino.


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