일론머스크 엄마, 충격적인 정체!

Описание к видео 일론머스크 엄마, 충격적인 정체!

일론머스크의 엄마이며 모델이고 영양학자인 메이머스크의 영화같은 삶과 그녀의 스토리! 처절하게 시작한 싱글맘에서 세계적인 모델이자 영양학자가 되면서 세명의 아이들을 모두 잘 키운 철의 여인! 그녀의 혁신적인 삶의 비결은 과연 무엇일까? @globaldirectnews

Recently, there is a hot topic news that Elon Musk,
became the world's richest person
with an astronomical number of 330.26 trillion won.
With innovation designing the future and called future icon
Elon Musk is trend leader in these day.
But today's story is a story about a mother who raised him.
What kind of person is the mother of the innovation person like Elon?
Today the story of an amazing woman unfolds.
Everyone, don't forget to subscribe and stay tune! At the age
she was selected as the main model at 69 year old for Cover girl as the oldest
and she is still active as a model at the age of seventy-three.
She is the exclusive model for the Hunt Music video agency of Beyonce and modeling agency.
As a writer and nutritionist, her challenge is keep going like her son, Elon Musk.
Do you think she became famous because of her famous son?
Absolutely not.
Well, here is her amazing story.
Maymust was born in Canada in 1948 to an aeronautical father and adventurous parents.
When she was two, her parents decided to leave Canada,
and passed Austraila and arrived in Africa.
He went on a journey in search of the lost city of Kalahari, Africa.
Full of adventure with an almost cinematic story,
And they settled down there in South Africa for their life.
May started modeling at the age of 15, and when she became Miss South Africa,
South Africa at the age of 19, her name became known in earnest as a model.
her name became known in earnest as a model. And when she was 22, she got married to the engineer Elol Musk
who she met in high school,
and had three children. The first son is Elon Musk.
However, Maine becomes an agent after nine years of marriage.
due to the violence and abuse of him.
He has been interviewed " He is a terrible human being..."
After the divorce, May stayed in South Africa for several years, working as a modelas well as finishing up her nutrition studies.
And Maine, who returns to Canada with her daughter first, works really hard to live with her children.
Without any foundation in Canada,
she begins her life in this government-provided public housing
for the poor.
May is a research fellow at the University of Toronto and lectures twice a week at the College of Nutrition.
And she got to work as a model for a modeling agency.
And in the midst of this busy schedule, May gets her second master's degree in nutrition.
She didn't have much money for anything to live on, but she says she was happy with her kids.
She was constantly working hard and taking care of my children.
Elon Musk goes to America to study abroad together.
But suddenly he gave up on Stanford and announced his start-up business.
However, May did not object.
And support his decision seriously.and all her fortune she saved,
she invested her money her two sons' Startup company ZIP2.
A company called ZIP2 is origin of PAYPAL afterwards.
I believe there is a not only mother's strong spirit in Elon Musk's creativity and innovation
but also strong trust towards her son which could be very risky.
Her two sons were very successful in their business and her daughter became a filmmaker.
She could rest comfortably , right? No way!
She decided to be a model on the stage.
She was 50 year old at at that time.
Working as a model again at the age of 50 and cat-walking model at Newyork Fashion week hired by IMG
And she became ambassadors as the oldest model in cosmetic covergirl history.
and also became a cover model for Time magazine.
When she became a Cover girl's ambasssadors, she said,
And she was 71 year old, she published a book "A Woman Makes a Plan"
In fact, being able to work as a model until the age of 70 is really amazing and a lot of discipline
Especially when she was in her 30s gained weight
so she worked as a plus-size model. She changed diet completely and lost about 22 kg.

May Musk is an expert in the field, has two masters degrees in Nutrition.
It's not just a healthy diet plan but her gathering success story and beauty-related content.
This book becomes a bestseller.
May Musk
It is truly respectful that she started working
as a part-time job Model at the age of 15
And continuing her work for 57 years,
she raised all her kids so well as single mother at the same time ,
as a nutritionist and writer, she's working really hard every day.
In an interview with The New York Times,
It started with her desperation,
made her life more valuable.
the children grew up with her life attitude
they have become icons of future innovation, I believe.
May Musk's unstoppable challenge means to us a lot.


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